Longest day ever
Thread Topic: Longest day ever
It was a really long day, we went to visit dad, this sweet old lady asked us to drive her to church, she apparently walked there,so we let her in then she changed her mind and asked us to bring her to stop and shop. We didn't know where we were, she directed us there. So I had a flood of anxiety set in as we were lost, but found our way eventually, we had to go to the store so once we found the closest store in a familiar place, we went in there. Now, my brother has a very bad case of ADHD, so he was talking a lot and my grandma told me to watch him and not move the cart in the middle of the f---ing aisle, I had another flood of anxiety set in again, so my grandma asked me if I was having an anxiety attack, considering the way I was acting, I asked her to define it, and by her definition, I was. I told her that so she said she should just give me my pills before I go to the store. We went to a not scary haunted trail a couple hours later, so I did that, and it was freezing, but they decided to do it again, they all took there sweet ass time doing everything there, and I was freezing my ass off. I went into the car early with my aunt, but they thought fighting over the way back was a good option. We said f--- it and just drove off. I came home and took a shower, my grandparents were fighting, didn't last long, so that's good. I watched an episode of dance moms with my grandma, because the wind outside was so bad the internet refused to work, and when it did, it was like two seconds. So thank the wind for that. So, how was your day?
Might disappear internet is s--- like I said.)
You got 25 hours?
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