Ignore me. I need to let off some steam and rant
Thread Topic: Ignore me. I need to let off some steam and rant
You cringy f---ing people. Get the f--- off the internet and get grammar lessons instead. You can't type a single sentence correctly. Plus you think you're popular because a few people claim to love you. Sorry for the f---ing news flash, but they're little whores who will do anything for the feeling of sex. You dumb vulnerable b----. You always claim that your parents don't like you and you always get pissed as soon as someone else takes your spotlight. Grow the f--- up. Everyone has a life story and you're just an entitled princess. I'm sick of pretending I care about some of you. You all mean nothing to me and I wouldn't give two f---s if something bad happened to you. So please stay the f--- out of my way and I won't say anything to you.
yeah that about sums it up
RCMP Newbie*get's out of car* sir; put your hands behind you back.
Hey snow. -
f---. I'm so sick of getting treated like a f---ing kid. I'm getting treated like nothing all because they're triggered over a little conflict that happened at school. I'm not a f---ing stress toy. Stop putting me down all because I'm an easy target. I have feelings. I cry. I feel pain emotionally. You can't keep walking all over me.
I literally have to deal with enough at school.
Getting called stupid or ugly hurts me so f---ing much. But you can't say s--- with your faling grades
I have passing grades where I've only had one D in my entire life. No lower.
Plus, I look better than most peoplw with their caked on makeup.
Everyone goes through some type of pain.
Why leave your misery to another person by exploding to them instead of getting help? -
Don't f---ing talk to me.
RCMP Newbie^ I feel the same way no joke
well that escalated
My head is pounding right now. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to deal with Cheyenne's aggravating bulls---
Tiana's attitude
Hanna's whiny fake ass
Nor Kelly's immature idiocy.
I have no patience when it comes to that. Don't you understand when to quit? I'm so close to snapping on someone
But no! I'm stuck being known as the girl who never gets mad.
Oh yeah
I get mad a lot. I get so pissed that I want to take my pencil and stab someone, but nope
Gotta keep that perfect record so I can go to a good college and get a good job.
Why is life so shady? It has constant changes
Like one minute i'm happy
The next my mind is so full of thought I pull myself into an anxiety attack.
Oh well -
Ohh yeah
The girl who called you a stupid slut and attention seeker
But yet
You tried to f--- your ex's best friend so he could get jealous. Oh, no
But it didnt work out too well~
You see, Brandon said that you were a whiny b----
and you began cutting yourself because you can't get over a boy that never liked you
Nah. I don't care. I just want to go to sleep.
But it's hard for me to want to sleep with all of these random nightmares.
I had a dream where I was trapped on a metal table and this nurse came in.. It was like one of the nurses from Silent Hill
Anyways, she slit my throat with a weird rusty knife. It was terrifying, but it's the main reason I hate hospitals now.
Like... I feel like I'm going to go to sleep
and wake up to some walking dead/silent hill/shadow of the dead s--- -
I need some eyedrops. My eyes are so dry they make me look like a druggie -
But I need sleep so bye ig
sleep well
FoxyScarlet Newbie
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