- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 13, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: hello.
*Exhales deeply in relief* What to do now.. *The Triforce of Courage explodes into its golden light on the back of my left hand, and a searing pain runs through my hand* Something big is nearby, big and evil..
*laughs in a eerie tone* *hides a knife* heheh...
*Jumps backwards a few feet, equips the Hylian Shield to my right arm* What? I thought the song healed you. Which could only mean..
*my neck gets grabbed and yells out* NO NOT NOW!!
What's happening?! *Raises my shield slightly, anticipating an attack*
k-kill...hah....HAAHA...HAHAHAH!! *rushes at u attacking*
*Moves to block your attacks with the shield and enters a battle stance, all while reading the movements of your hands and feet*
*stops and turns my head 180 degrees* ?? b-but...grmm.. NO IM IN CONTROL. DAMN U...
(lol i really can turn my head 180.)
(*Shrugs* xD)
*Stays still, tensing up slightly* -
(Lies! Show me picture!)
(later i'm in school.)
*turns back and growls* *yells in pain and tries to stop myself* -
*Quickly pulls the Gale Boomerang from my pouch and throws it to your hand, trying to knock the knife out of it*
*knife gets knocked back and is connected to a chain* *whips out chain and cuts u with knife* U can't.....be the.... *wobbles*
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