Types of people on GTW
- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 8, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Types of people on GTW
What am I lolol.
You already know ;3 The Mystic Messenger Troll
Cancer, that's what you are.
Lolol I'm the best obviously.
I used to be the RP Fanatic but slowly all of my partners died or got kik. I'm a mix of a lot of those things now, tbh. But nice job Kala. What made you decide to make this?
Or Fatima's guess. That was a lot more subtle. ;3
Dark: Yeah I would say you are the Lounge Bug, Weeb, and maybe a bit more XD
I was just thinking about how many different types of people are on here. So then, I was like i'll just make a thread about this. :3 -
Cupcake: lololol the meme is getting to me. I will hack you :`D
Well its not my fault I'm stuck in the Lounge *cries*
Ahh, okay. Well, as long as you had fun, that's what counts! -
^lol Dark is trying to be nice to you
we should become hackers and f--- it uppp f--- Mr. Cancer uppp
The overly serious one here.
Darky: Well maybe :3 But you can always travel around this small world of GTQ XD
Yup, it's nice to get the users together and have fun :p
Cupcake: I have no time to become a hacker bruh. My older brother told me to specialize in that cause no one would expect it. But I was like no I am South Korean not a North Korean. XD -
Percy: At times yeah, but then you can be the too friendly one :3
I've used some of the forums, but others, I don't think I'd ever have a reason to use. Like the Server.
Oh definitely. I noticed JaneDoe's "take this quiz" thread got so many replies..! Even from people I didn't know! I wish we could do that with conversational threads.
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