GTQ Ru Paul's drag race simulator
- Locked due to inactivity on Dec 6, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: GTQ Ru Paul's drag race simulator
Lol. Why did you add Shrek as a drag racer? His onion bombs destroy everything in his path. Obviously, he is the winner.
Tit Job Specialist quietly hums.
Dade stays awake all night.
Salamander Man tends to her wounds.
Prometheus climbs a tree to rest.
Mr Negi tries to sing himself to sleep.
Mamba looks at the night sky.
Safari Man sets up camp for the night.
Filthy Frank climbs a tree to rest.
Lord Chin Chin receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
Pookie screams for help.
Jim receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
The Tap Brothers questions her sanity.
Lemon and Towel Guy hold hands.
Alien Man sets an explosive off, killing Creepy Dude, Mr Magic Man, Chromosome Kid and Black Friend.
Weaboo Jones is awoken by nightmares. -
Lemon fishes.
Tit Job Specialist travels to higher ground.
Lord Chin Chin attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Safari Man, killing them both.
Jim goes hunting.
Towel Guy receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Mamba chases Dade.
Mr Negi sprains his ankle while running away from Prometheus.
Weaboo Jones sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
The Tap Brothers chases Pookie.
Filthy Frank receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Salamander Man stabs Alien Man while his back is turned. -
7 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Creepy Dude
District 12
Mr Magic Man
District 6
Chromosome Kid
District 7
Black Friend
District 5
Lord Chin Chin
District 2
Safari Man
District 8
Alien Man
District 8 -
Lemon loses sight of where he is.
Weaboo Jones and Jim hold hands.
Dade starts a fire.
The Tap Brothers begs for Mr Negi to kill her. He refuses, keeping The Tap Brothers alive.
Pookie tries to sing himself to sleep.
Filthy Frank quietly hums.
Mamba climbs a tree to rest.
Tit Job Specialist sets up camp for the night.
Salamander Man receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Prometheus receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Towel Guy receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor. -
Filthy Frank and The Tap Brothers work together for the day.
Mamba scares Mr Negi off.
Pookie overhears Weaboo Jones and Jim talking in the distance.
Dade discovers a cave.
Lemon and Prometheus work together for the day.
Towel Guy defeats Salamander Man in a fight, but spares her life.
Tit Job Specialist dies from hypothermia. -
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
Tit Job Specialist
District 9 -
Omg SG I'm so sorry I didn't see that.)
Because Shrek is everything -
Mr Negi sets up camp for the night.
Mamba and Dade talk about the tributes still alive.
The Tap Brothers, Weaboo Jones, and Pookie discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Jim tends to her wounds.
Lemon receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
Towel Guy, Salamander Man, Filthy Frank, and Prometheus sleep in shifts. -
Sorry late post again.)
Thank you -
Pookie fishes.
The Tap Brothers questions her sanity.
Weaboo Jones and Mr Negi hunt for other tributes.
Jim chases Filthy Frank.
Prometheus picks flowers.
Mamba sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Salamander Man steals from Lemon while he isn't looking.
Towel Guy bashes Dade's head against a rock several times. -
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.
District 3 -
(I love your comment about "Shrek is everything", lol. :P)
Salamander Man receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Weaboo Jones forces Lemon to kill Prometheus or Pookie. He decides to kill Prometheus.
The Tap Brothers sets an explosive off, killing Jim, Filthy Frank, Towel Guy and Mamba.
Mr Negi climbs a tree to rest.
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