f---myretardass club!
- Locked by Br0wnieBunny on Oct 6, '16 2:14pmReason: everyone's said what they wanted to say. there's no need to bump this anymore
Thread Topic: f---myretardass club!
Because it's completely necessary to make clubs!
You didn't even have anything to say about it until someone else said something.
I thought it was meaningless in the beginning, but I felt neutral about it because I know some dingaling would create it someday and that day happened to be today. Kind of expected it from a newb.
Even if you don't like it, it doesn't mean you need to be so rude about it. We aren't personally affecting you by being in a "club" or by having a thread for our club. Then again, there's always drama where something fun exists, right? I mean, to be fair, I knew someone would complain and I knew you'd be one of them.
I bet you wouldn't even care if I wasn't involved. If I hadn't joined in, you'd leave everyone alone. But you feel the need to butt into everything I'm related to. It's almost like an obsession.
That doesn't mean I can't dislike the whole concept of it.
The thread doesn't even seem fun at all. -
I'm obsessed with you, Dark22978. I want to lick your pale fingers, make you suck your fingers, suck on your toes and eat yer booty like groceries.
fluffywaffle NoviceIt's fun for me and my friends. You can dislike it but that does not mean you have to make a whole thread about it. It's just a club.
You literally got offline to have a b---- fit after Rosio said her night was ruined. Because you want to pretend you hate everything, and you want to act like everything you don't like is crap. Yeah, okay, that's just "dislike," right? You intentionally stepping into other people's threads saying "oh I feel bad for you" or "lol praise! it's so stupid am I right?" isn't you trying to cause drama or anything.
Triggered. I got offline because of personal reasons I already discussed with Fatima/Kalafina. Wow, a coincidence that people's moods were ruined at the same time, it's because I have an agenda to get you and only you. Everything I don't like is crap, that's why I don't favor it in the first place.
Wait, what
oh watch when this thread gets locked in 5 minutes -
fluffywaffle NoviceAre you talking to me?
I will say her reason was nothing like that Dark. Somethings aren't always as they seem.)
Even if it isn't, she had no reason to make this thread and she also had no reason to burst into Zac's thread to tell him "poor newb". She isn't just having an argument about clubs, she's making it personal. Which isn't okay. I'm sick of her trying to post about me or anyone else and then get friends, good people like you, when she doesn't deserve them.
It's personal, Dark. I want to strip you and make you a loli doll, and then smack you until you lock a bunch of threads for Grand Master Tiddy. Your cheeks will be licked, grabbed, and did I say smacked yet? No, but the type of cheeks haven't been specified. I want to be personal to you dark, 24/666 meme days, baby.
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