Give me a list of quotes, phrases, or paragraphs to say
- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 16, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Give me a list of quotes, phrases, or paragraphs to say
and tell me how you'd like me to say them. (i.e. Angrily, sadly, ect.)
I'm looking into practicing my facial expressions, as well as my ability to remember lines. I'll be uploading a video (max of 10 minutes :'I) of me repeating each quote, and I'll post a link here. Well, if I actually get around to it. I've been fairly busy, and I'm also quite lazy when it comes to projects I don't have to get done. However, I'd really like to do this, and any type of quotes you may contribue would be heavily appreciated.
I will not accept any quotes with heavy swearing, or topics that are too sexual/mature. Why? I'm trying to keep my YouTube channel... Somewhat clean. Which, is... Honestly, not easy, but whatever. However, if you aren't positive on what your quote is on a clean to nasty scale, you can post it anyway. I'll tell you if I can't say it.
Thanks in advance for the help! -
if you're going to have a "clean" YouTube account then I can guarantee it won't get much views
^^I would watch it.
I'm not looking to become famous. I'm looking to have a kid-friendly channel, because my sister looks up to me and constantly re-watches my videos/shares them with her friends. If it means I only have 20 or some followers, I'll gladly take it. All I'm looking for is practice on acting and YouTube happens to be a nice platform for uploading videos.
Well, thanks, Puppeh. ^^ -
There are you tubers who are kid friendly but are famous, usually the ones that are unclean are more famous. But you can make a difference with anything you do.
I can help you brainstorm some ideas? -
As I said, I'm not looking to be famous. If it happens, then yay. But as it is, my channel is trash because I don't know how to edit things very well.. :')
That would be very lovely, thank you!
I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. But I know I want a wide variety of personalities and approaches to quotes. Does that help narrow it down any? xD -
Ye I know X3 What editing software do you have? Do you have iMovie by any chance?
Hmmm, so something like Superwomen? -
I do happen to have iMovie, but only on my mobile devices. The main device I use, which is a Toshiba laptop, doesn't have it. I currently have Windows Movie Maker. I can link you to the only video I've ever edited with that program, if you'd like.
That might work, yes. Or even a crazy character, such as Harley Quinn. Anyone that has some boss ass line(s) that people want to hear me say. -
I think my computer will block the video, this is a school owned laptop and they block some videos now ;-; But you can try c:
It sounds like you would like to do acting or impersonations on your channel? :o -
well, let's have a stab at it:
Actually that's one of the many things I have listed in my channel description. But all that I have are gaming videos w/out my voice. -
Yup it didn't work ^
You can do both! Then your channel can be different. You will attract different viewers as well. -
strangles youtube
It basically has really crappy content, transitions through games like sliding, and comments instead of in-video titles.
I've wanted to do that, but I've just never gotten around to it. Until now.
If you'd like, I can record myself doing some impersonations of my OCs on some voice recording site and let you see at least what my voice is like? -
Okay, the biggest step for you will be the editing. Editing matters a lot because it either turns people off right away or makes them stay. :3 Hmmm, I don't know how to do I movie on the phone XD but I can give tips?
Oh ye that would work, I know vocaroo is the best voice site I know of that work for my laptop. XD -
Ask your sister for ideas as well, if you're making these for her.
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