- Locked by The Coldest Sun on Aug 5, '16 2:52amReason: This is why we can't have nice things.
I'm bored.
Ohai fireprincess, your magic and boys series is epic. 8D
I seriously need to start on part 7 of my Wolf Riders thingy. Dx -
I gtg too tireddddddddddd
nighty night
@nakita: Thanks! Yours is awesome too! But i still need to take part 2! imma go do that right now!
byeeee heph! I had another suicide today so i'm wide awake..for now! lol
hey Roe
Hello Ting and Fp. What's up? :)
I'm enjoying my presence on dA, you? :3
Eh, the first day of school was yesterday. Nothing really happened, I got teased a bit but then again I always get picked on. And we didn't get our report cards yet. 3x
nm...crap! I g2g...Nakita i'll take it tomorrow okay? I promise! *hugs everyone* byeeee!
Bye FP! *hugs*
I didn't get mah report card yet either T^T
baiii FP
well f--- those who tease you, one of these days them f---ers will be working for you while you laugh at them from your golden limo :P
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