Land of Stars and Echoes
- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 4, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
Because when I went to remake all of my Homestuck stuff, I decided that this was a much more personal name for an official thread. I keep asking Heph and Darkness how their official threads have so many more posts in them than mine. I can't help but think this is part of the reason why.
Land of Stars and Echoes
Sage of Earth (Sage: heals aspect; Earth: nature)
Derse Dreamer
Scythekind Specibus
Lusus: Cat -
This.. is gonna be a really long project if you intend to see it through.
Nothing is impossible lil bro.
Sams too, while I'm at it.
Land of Sound and Snakes
Guide of Fate (Guide: uses aspect to help others with theirs; Fate: fate/destiny)
Prospit Dreamer
Miraclekind Specibus
Lusus: Bear -
I didn't say "impossible". I just said it'll be a really long project.
I'm willing to do it though, however long it takes.
[09:04:31] RC: -->....//
[09:04:42] RC: -->S0MeThInG Ab0Ut ThAt ApPaReNtLy CaMe 0Ff As A QuEsTi0N.//
[09:05:06] RC: -->I D0N'T WaNt T0 TaLk T0 M0St 0F ThEsE Pe0PlE.//
[09:05:15] RC: -->I InTeNd T0 FiLl Up My ThReAd WiTh My s---.// -
Are you gonna make doubles for all of my RP accounts, too? Cuz I've cleared posts in the Land of Stars and Echoes a few times.
I will do that a when I get to that point in time.
09:13:46] RC: -->YeS It Is.//
[09:15:04] RC: -->0H C0D.//
[09:15:10] RC: -->LeT'S SeE..//
[09:15:57] RC: -->GaMzEe, DaVe, R0Xy, J0Hn, DiRk, JaKe, JaDe, TaVr0S...//
[09:16:04] RC: -->0H, MaN.//
[09:16:26] RC: -->I L0Ve ThEm AlL S0 MuCh.//
[09:16:30] RC: -->ThEsE ArE My ChIlDrEn.//
[09:16:46] RC: -->WhAt Ab0Ut Y0UrS?// -
That's gonna be an awful mess, but good luck anyway.
[09:20:57] RC: -->AhAhAhAhAhA.//
[09:21:00] RC: -->InCrEdIbLe.//
[09:21:12] RC: -->It SeEmEd LiKe AlL 0F ThE H0MeStUcKs Ar0UnD HeRe WeRe G0Ne.//
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