The magic dimension
Thread Topic: The magic dimension
Thaks ember, natasha
kawiigirl Novicesaara_k has been saying she wants to kill me and cut open my body and play with my organs should i call the cops?
It makes no sense at all, but oh well.
This site's too quiet right now! Well, bye. I'm going to play with my brother.
Bye! -
Its a game its not real life jesus christ
kawiigirl Noviceits was extremly well detailed and im freaking out i think im gonna call the cops
???????? Its just a game honestly no harm im just joking anyway id get killed by my mom if i really did plz you dont have to worry believe me ima total idiot
You called the cops, didnt you. There not gonna help!
Please call the cops on me!
I am a very naughty girl and I deserve to be locked up for 75 years
But when I'm 17 I'll escape prison and commit suicide
Saara K is my real her alter ego....
I am your reality
you are jus a dream -
I am the daring one
you are the boring one -
😟 im not boring
Yes you are, all you do is float around your 3 bedroom semi detached house in the middle of Birmingham
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