Canada is the worst American State.
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 16, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Canada is the worst American State.
Arcues save Canada!
canadalover55 NewbieMore like Alaska is the worst state but its smart if Russia wanted to attack north america USA would he first the in debt country and Canada refuses to let you take our money cause you still have to pay 17 trillion bucks to china
I'm not American and you made no sense XD
You are ____? English? French? Italian? German?
It's British not ducking English don't be racist
canadalover55 NewbieEnglish is British idiot
Im not racist i am a english girl
And your attempt at a "cuss" failed- you put ducking.
Wow making fun of my mental capabilities! It's scum like you that make people want to kill themselves
I wonder when you'll figure out I was trolling and that Canada's isn't a f---ing American state.
I was just going to point that out.
But I thought you were just stupid.
The amount of jokes not being taken in this thread makes me want to drink bleach, smoke cardboard, and drill my head.
Agent Awesome Newbieomg ewww
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