some of y'all suck at roleplaying man
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 14, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: some of y'all suck at roleplaying man
just very bored and I've been skimming through some soaps and roleplays and you people even make me look experienced
t h r o w i n g s h a d e r i g h t n o w b i t c h -
tru dat
but u are experienced -
I don't expect you to be experts right on the spot, but damn. xD
where the f--- u came from bruh -
some of them have been doing it for 1+ year so
idk man -
;w; Like, they have the right direction they just need effort.
no HP has no word becuz they racist -
love me
im not racist -
pewdiepie123 Newbielol
Instead of posting about how bad they are, maybe people should help them get better. That's why I offer to start soaps or roleplays with people of all levels instead of just mine. Putting them down doesn't help them... Helping them and teaching them does.
^^I have tried to teach a few. They don't listen or they go back to the same state we started with.
you're such a hero
Well, that's nice of you for trying, y'know? Some people don't.
It's not a matter of being a hero. It's a matter of showing people respect and knowing when to talk. If you aren't willing to show them what they're doing wrong, then you reserve no right to talk to others like they're below you. -
>raeg level higher than your ego right now -
Okay, no. Your colossal pride is putting homo parades to shame, modfag.
Show people respect? Really? Shoving that type of integrity up your ass when it's convenient for your image? Stop expecting that kind of thing on the internet, it's tiresome to see much like newbs attempting to be teh dramaticz whenever they produce the most pitiful plots evar known to mankind. I personally think they suck, in awareness that I'm not a perfected person at it too, but in another awareness that I also give myself credit for not being that much suckass at something so simple. There's no type of euphemism to replace my crude view on something like it, sorry, not sorry, because you can't avoid such harsh realities, even on your precious tool of the internet where you could express your fake unicorns and rainbows persona that people perceive as cool. -
I'd say I'm offended by that, but honestly, it made no sense to me at all. I wasn't being prideful. I wasn't saying I was a better person than you, or that I was so proud of myself for saying what I said. I simply mentioned that you have no room to speak, and that this thread was rather rude. I'm positive you don't like it when people say you suck at something. I'm sure if someone said something bad about you, it would make you stop doing something. (i.e. How you stopped art for a bit because people were telling you that you were s---ty at it.) I just see no benefit in saying someone's bad and not doing anything about it. Every single person on this site gives you respect despite how you treat others. It's a polite thing to do, and honestly, you should learn it yourself. Insulting people right off the bat when they stated a very polite disagreement is quite rude. TBH, you use people when it's "convenient." The moderators and I deleted a picture for you, and yet, you still start petty fights. You only like us when we can do something for you. I'm not upping my image by defending the roleplayers that aren't very experienced. I'm merely pointing out something that you can chose to do or not. You can continue to say "oh these people suck" if you'd like. I just wanted to say I didn't think it was "cool." You don't start off brilliant. And if no one teaches you right from wrong, you learn to do wrong EVERY TIME. I might not be the lowest of the low, but I do have very bad plots sometimes. Every roleplayer has those moments. So the least you can do is be respectful about your opinion and not treat it like it's a joke.
FYI, like Rain said, using big words doesn't make you sound smart.
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