I want to level up more!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Oct 7, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: I want to level up more!!!
A take for take kinda thing!!! So, someone starts a thread with the title Take for take and just post nothing for the post, then people click on their name and take the quiz! When you're done, you post your result to the quiz and underneath write take for take! Then the person who started the thread has to take your quiz!
What do you think?
no kys
What does kys mean?
just do it u lil s---
Searched it. I can't do that. Sorry.
You can try it out but just remember that some people might not want to participate or will tease you about it. Personally I wouldn't mind participating once or twice.
What do others think?
Thanks Dark!
That makes no sense. I reread that whole thing four times and I still don't get what you're trying to say.
>Maker of thread posts a quiz
>You take the quiz
>You post your own quiz
>cycle continues -
^then your stupid.
Mague- sure i will take part -
Additionally you post your result to prove you took the quiz I guess
No need to insult someone for not understanding. :/ I didn't get it at first either.
I think this is a really bad idea
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