A Place For My Head
Thread Topic: A Place For My Head
Autocorrect is ruining me.. If I was in primary school, I'd get hell for spelling favourite, flavour, honour, neighbour etc wrong..
A kitten won't leave m alone
Give it to me.
No it's mine
she meows at my door like a frigging
maniac! -
Awww! Let her in! Pet her! She wants love! :3
Pinterest : We've found some new Chris Evans and Toy Story pins for you!
.. When did I follow Toy Story? -
I don't even remember clicking on anything Toy Story related.
All I need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest my head -
I swear to me, my head feels like it's about to blow up.
Someone make it stop..
Not allowed
What else is up? -
Sweet bed of mine, you?
Your sweet bed wha?..
I'm playing with makeup.
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