- Locked due to inactivity on Nov 22, '16 3:54am
Slaves have not been in America since. The civil war.
yeah, we don't have slaves
not for a loooong time! -
Brr0wnieBunny+ Of course I've seen the tower! It's right smack outside my window!
joshbrewer+ Yeah. -
Oh. That's something to tell my mentor! :P
Hello, my name is Raven. I'm American and loves Musixc. Welcome to He'll.
must be a really nice sight to see! how is school in France? what subjects do you learn?
Br0wnieBunny+ France seems delicate. Visiters here would say it's pretty... Me: Everyday life.
Ha!I like you Raven!
Br0wnieBunnie+ Anything /you/ learn, really.
Cool. You could either hate me or roll with me, I don't really care. I'm Pansexual. :P
Raven+ I can tell you like music 'cause of your icon!
Raven+ I'm gay. I find other girls hot... But let's change the subject, shall we?
To anyone: Any hobbies?
Thank you. I write songs. I play flute and guitar. My dream is to be a singer, my most favorite food is pizza.
I love France. I am actually more French then Dutch.
The five things I am: Dutch, French, Italian, German, and English.
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