I've got something to say about how shitty people are,
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 28, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: I've got something to say about how shitty people are,
on this website when it comes to suicide.
Yeah, I'm talking about those of you who find it hilarious to make fun of someone when they're posting about killing themselves. I'm talking about those of you who will tell them, "you're late" or "you should just do it now" instead of helping them. I'm talking about those who won't stand up for those poor souls- who sit back and don't do a damned thing to help them, to tell them what they've got to live for.
tl;dr Directed at people making fun of those wanting to commit suicide.
Like holy f---, dudes. Let's pretend someone you care about wants to die IRL. They meet up with you and tell them how you feel. Are you actually going to look at your friend, who might be crying or look extremely upset, and then say something along the lines of, "Do it, then." or make some joke? Personally if you say yes to that you are in a very s---ty rank in society. I took a Health course during my summer, and honest to god, I hated the class. But one of the sections was about suicide. And you really need to be sensitive about it. Additionally, if you know someone you can contact that can save their lives, honest to god just say something. Don't you dare hold back. Don't promise to keep their thoughts a secret. Get them help. Or they will die. And it might not be directly your fault, but you will miss them for the rest of your life. This topic isn't a joke. Okay, yeah, some jokes are funny. In some conversations, saying kys or some s--- like that might be okay. But in a serious situation you deserve no right- NO RIGHT- to be sitting there acting funny while something's going down.
tl;dr You wouldn't do this IRL- also, there are times when jokes aren't appropriate.
I honestly hope that you all feel even an ounce of guilt when you decide to post that thing you find so hilarious. When that person who said they wanted to die left the site, probably feeling alone and even more inclined to take their life because you couldn't take them seriously. It doesn't matter if they're faking it, the least you can do is care. f---, pretend to care if you don't, but if all you're going to do is post s---ty ass memes/songs, don't hit the god damn submit button. Leave the thread alone and go do some s---ting and giggling with your home boys.
tl;dr Don't press the submit button if your message isn't caring/supportive/helpful.
I'd also like to point out those of you that fake your suicide. f--- you. f--- you, f--- you, f--- you. Suicide isn't meant for you to get attention. It's not meant for you to abuse to make yourself the hot topic of the site. I can't tell you how many times I've broke out crying in front of my family hearing someone committed suicide. Let me tell you a story, too. I had a family friend named Margot. She was one of the sweetest people I ever knew. She wanted to work at her local church and spread the word of god. But she had cancer. She fought it. She fought for her life. And she won the battle. She got her dream job- she owned a pet snake and mouse that were besties. I loved speaking to her. You know what happened? She got cancer again. And she took her life. An adult, who did her best to make OTHERS happy, ended up giving up. So you kids/teens thinking "oh boy, let me say I want to kill myself for attention, they'll believe me because they trust me", you suck.
tl;dr Don't fake suicide because there are people who are out there actually killing themselves. You're just mocking them.
Also, for the love of god, DON'T FAKE deathly/terminal illnesses. Y'all are no better. If anything, you're worse. There are REAL PEOPLE out in the world dealing with those problems. Some of them have families that care about them and can't do anything about it. Some of them are aware they have weeks or months to live. They didn't chose it. They're losing so much of their life. And then you f-----s decide that you want to pretend to have it. "Oh, yeah, I have cancer." few days later... "It's cured!! Yay!" like, no. You shut the hell up.
tl;dr Once again, don't fake illnesses, it's awful and mocking.
Don't think that because you've felt the want to kill yourself, you have every right to make fun of someone else. Don't think that because they're faking it, it's okay to take the topic off on a s---s and giggles route. When it comes down to it, everyone is a human. Yeah, they make mistakes. But don't be the douche that makes one that can make someone end their life. No one needs your type of people in their lives.
tl;dr None of you deserve a right to make fun of someone. You could end up driving them off the edge.
Basically? You all need to sit and think about what you're doing. No, I'm not your mother.Yes I am, I'm lying.I can't force you to listen to me. I can't force you to do the right thing. But please, before you type "go kill yourself" to someone who said they want to die, think about it. Would you want your best friend to say that to you when you're in time of need? If not, don't hit that submit button, or change your response. Sometimes, all someone needs to change their mind for the better is a friend. So please, PLEASE, instead of being the bully or the douche to that person in time of need, be their hero. Be their savior. Be their friend, if only for a few posts.
tl;dr Be a savior, not a killer. Help that person instead of being a douche. -
Also, I have several other rants about some of you, but this one was the most serious and had to be said while the issue was fresh.
Read it, a--holes. -
Thanks you. Hopefully they read it.
I read it three times, the f--- you talking about woman?
No problem. Honestly it had to be said and I'm sick of people turning suicide into some playtime talk. I even added tl;dr at the end of every paragraph for those who "absolutely cannot sit through that entire s---post". -
posting commercial jingles and references drive someone over the edge??? -
Being an a--hole when there's absolutely no reason for it and someone is thinking about ending their own life..
It doesn't matter how you're being a dick.
The fact is, you are one. -
Yeah, yeah it does. You're being extremely a) ignorant to the seriousness of the situation and b) almost insulting them. Telling them that their lives don't matter, you'd much rather post some s---ty ass jingles than...Maybe.. Encourage them not to kill themselves?
^ agree
Don't post anything at all! -
Actually, I don't know what's happening now, but ^ agree.
Well, knowing from experience, some people don't know how to really deal with people when they say stuff like that and laughter is how they cope. People can also start a laughing fit when they're scared.
Jthestar NewbieThank you, Dark.
The fact that you're even trying to defend making jokes about something as serious as suicide is absolutely disgusting, Drew.
Also, I would just like to say I'm not saying that making jokes that cross the line is okay, I'm not saying I haven't been a douche either, I'm not going to act like a victim. I'm just saying you may not understand that some people react that way.
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