Does anyone else have a fanfiction account?
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 27, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Does anyone else have a fanfiction account?
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Oh, also, a friend of mine is making an account on GTQ!!! He's part of this news too! We're making a contest on Fan Fiction!
Yeah! I do fanfictions on Wattpad about KOTLC. (Keeper of the lost cities)
BTW I got my old account back! (Smileylover10)
Great! Do you like smash brohers?
Tasha, what's your post time.
Hi kaylin, tasha. Its saara_k just with an account that dark22978 gave me. I dont think there are any accounts left though. How are you both?
What do you mean post time?
Like when you post a comment and then you post another one straight after it says 'comment not submitted. Please wait ____ seconds to submit your comment.' Thats all it is
Oh! Then it's somewhere in between 15 and 30
I'm pretty sure it's 15 or 20 seconds though.
Okay, just tested it. It's 32 seconds.
Hi tasha! Come chat in my thread, #TurtleSquad!
^ bump!
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