Do any of you have fears?
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 22, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Do any of you have fears?
It might take me a little as I have a lot to list
Um here's a website I found to help you I guess
Acrophobia Fear of heights
Agateophobia Fear of insanity
Achluophobia Fear of darkness
Apiphobia Fear of bees
Astynomiaphobia Fear of police
Ataxophobia Fear of disorder or untidiness.
Atelophobia Fear of imperfection
Athazagoraphobia Fear of being forgotton or ignored or forgetting.
Chinaphobia The fear of a goose or of geese.
Cleithrophobia or Cleisiophobia Fear of being locked in an enclosed place
Clithrophobia or Cleithrophobia Fear of being enclosed.
Cnidophobia Fear of stings
Ethismosophobia The fear of addiction.
Foniasophobia Fear of killers, murderers, and serial killers
Glossophobia Fear of speaking in public
Harpaxophobia Fear of being robbed
Agraphobia Fear of sexual abuse
Kenophobia Fear of voids or empty spaces
Narkotikaphobia The fear of a drug or of drugs
Potophobia Fear of alcohol
Thanatophobia or Thantophobia Fear of death or dying
Vitricophobia Fear of step-father
That's all mine -
Acrophobia : fear of heights
Claustrophobia : enclosed spaces
Acarophobia : fear of itching or insects causing itching
Aracnophobia : Fear of spiders
Agoraphobia : Fear of crowded places
Aichomiphobia : fear of needles or sharp things
Asrenophobia : fear of elevators
Automonphobia: fear of anything that mimics a sentient being ( I'm ok with small dolls though as long as they aren't looking at me and can't be seen
Astraphobia : fear of thunder and or lightning
Clinophobia : fear of going to sleep
Counterphobia: the fear of fear
Kind of have decidophobia but only in real life : fear of making decisions -
You need help
That's not all of the,mim just lazy.
Shup I also have a fear of people's opinions of me and being overweight so yep need help -
>Weighs like zero pounds
Normal people thread only get out
Wait, I'm the only normal person on here. D: -
Shhhhh it's according to my doctor. I just don't like food . Soemtimes. Truth is I binge.
Hahahahahhahahaha you're not a people you're a sloth. -
I was saying in general
You people don't known what it's like to be normal. D: -
Y do I need help doe.
Too many fears
Fear doesn't have to be a phobia. Fear is what everyone feels when they meet new stuffs and can be tolerated. Some people say if you have a phobia, defeating it or getting away from it is impossible, this is wrong. Some also say that if you get a bad feeling, that means it is your phobia, this is also wrong. The difference between fear and phobia is ... Fear, an action that only happen once. Meanwhile, Phobia means a statement that is used to explain people that have high amount of fear, doesn't include people who overdo/overclaim their fear. Having those many fears aren't right, some of them can only be fear and some of them are only overdone.
Okay then
Actually Mat there are certain people who ( Eitehr normally or because of a mental disorder ) have an exaggerated amount of fears / high fear levels that extend beyond fears and into phobias.
I have a phobia of all those things and will break down.
There are many more but I'm lazy and I'm not exposing all of my weaknesses.
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