Tasha's drop off thread.
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 18, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Tasha's drop off thread.
So my mother, who has spent more than 10 years researching Autism and teaching me that I'm just different and that's okay, She taught me that it effects everyone differently. While Autism Speaks and companies like that trick people into thinking Autistics have something worse than cancer, my mom taught me that Autism effects everyone differently. Everyone's different and that's okay. Complaining that I 'advertise' the fact that I have Autism, isn't asking a simple question. Don't you tell people about the things your proud of?
Hi Jag.
Sorry I'm eating lunch have you ate already
Yes however syaing " Hi my name is sluttymcattentionwhore the thrid! I have schizophrenia!!!1!" Is not Hwo things usually are. So I asked you and your response was
" It's not a disabilty ! What do you know I Dare you to live iwth it you uneducated wench!!!"
Whore I'm literally telling you that it's a disbality and you're bringing up a different topic
" I have Autsim I have autism I'm different whowheohehe ' everyone is f---ing different you tube,
Go watch leafy is here or some s---. -
Yeah. Cheese sandwich! Made some for my brother and nephew too.
That is what I said?
There's different levels of how Autism can affect a person, correct. I think I explained that yesterday.
But the amount of severity or moderation of the disorder does not exclude it of being a mental disability.
There's a difference of being proud of who you are and constantly whoring it out to people with your E-tiddays that "wow you re autistic and yeah rawrawraw!!".
Nobody cares if you're autistic. We have much moar lulzy things to laugh at, such as Le1F, Misty's constant fails, and my dong. -
She means at how small her Dong is.
You really need to understand if you have a disability you Shoudl really understand said disability.
XD oh satan
^yes, Spiders?
Neversaynever15 NewbieHello my dear friends! I need to talk to Zac a second...
Who's your dad? My dad Chef Gordon Ramsey must know him?
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