- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 16, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Hi
I guess the new update doesnt let us do it.
won't work because now that the update has happened, you can't click submit button more than once because it just goes grey and submits one post
Canada I'm Canadian eh?
I'm also Canadian. Trust me, it's not all igloos and maple syrup! LOL!
No its not where you from tasha what city and province
Oh. I've a friend in Canada. She's from it's capital. (I forgot the name) Her names Julia. Julia Ibrahim. -
Oh cool its Ottawa,ontario ,canada
Gotta go sorry but it was nice talking to ya jeeshan bye guys
Yup, she's from Ottawa.
jeeshan help
I have an account that I made a few months ago, and I remember the username but not the password, I've tried practically all the passwords that I remember I've used in the past for my accounts and the most likely password, but won't work. It hasn't been hacked or anything, and I really want to log back into it because its a good account that is over a year old, do you know what I should do? -
Maddie, you can go to the password retrieval page. But, if you're like me, the it'd be of no help. You can email GTQ Guy in his email, I guess you know, to give you a new password. But chances are, he won't even look at your email. Since GTQ Guy is online these days, you can make a thread requesting him to change your password and give you a new password. You'll have to give your email to him.
And... If nothing works, you can bag The Geek or GOM, I bet you know what I mean. -
oh and it's called DarkRiver21
then and beg*
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