Do you think I should lose weight?
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 15, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Do you think I should lose weight?
I feel like I'm fat again.
Honestly I'm not the best person to answer this, but if you feel like you may need to lose some weight, go ahead and work at it. But don't get carried away.
I mean I don't want to end up back in ward five for anorexia again, but I'm seriously overweight.
Thanks. -
-He who eats not to gain weight but to survive, must not worry about how their body looks, for it (body) too must do what it needs to survive.
Fact is people are different, and many people don't realize that different people need different bodies.
When people increase their self confidence, look themselves in the mirror and acknowledge who they are, only then will your question be answered -
No problem. Just try staying healthy.
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