Does any of you nerds...
- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 8, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Does any of you nerds...
Know what welcome to nightvale is?
Because I want to fangirl with someone. I have the full costume for Cecil '3' -
No? Anyone? :((((
Я знаю
Shall I be flattered... Or spooked that you know of me?
Coming from the sort of town you live in, you probably should be intrigued.
lol rip.. so off
It's been ages since I've listened to it, but yes, I know about it. xD As you can see I've tried to roleplay as him, but I'm pretty bad about it. -
I guessed that one of you would know. xD
Nah. You didn't do that bad.
Have you finished the podcast or are you somewhere still in it? I think they're are still making more but 90 may be the last one. Idk. -
There are more fans somewhere around here. One of them is the one who got me into it- but I'll let them chose whether or not to show themselves.
xD I'm gonna re-listen to the podcasts to become better than "not bad."
TBH I don't know where I stopped. D: -
xD I got bored with waiting for the Homestuck video game. My friend said "all hail the glow cloud" one day and I was so creeped out. I ended up googling it.
It was good though. ;33
I'm so far in it. My parents let me paint stuff on my wall and I did it in that. My room is covered in floating cats and eyeballs. I spent so long on the theme of it. -
Wait there's a Homestuck video game? *casually hasn't read that in a while either* Damn, good to know you got into it that way.. xD It really is good.
Oh, that sounds cool! :o You should tooootally show us one day.. Unless you can't, then I understand that. -
Yes, actually. Hussie finished Homestuck and he's writing more pages about what happened to them afterwards. He says it's just going to be ships. A video game is coming out around 2017. It's a true fact. He's actually making it. It's called Hiveswap. It's going to be more about The ancestors and kinda before the beta kids ever came in. Jade's uncle gets another girl pregnant and it's about the new twins that are born.
I will c; I will also post me in the full costume the same day I post the art. I have the wigs and all. I'm a real big disappointment. You should see all my Cosplay stuff. xD
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