- Locked due to inactivity on Sep 8, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: lol
I keep staying until the crack of dawn back to back, and I can't fix it.
I'm going to the beach with my family tomorrow. Yay for dysphoria and scars. I'm not very happyyyy~
I should probably sleep, but I'm not going to. Sleep is for the weak. So are pants. I don't like wearing pants.
^If everyone was honest
Being sleep deprived is the equivalent to being drunk. Who wants to talk to me while I have the brain of a drunk teenager? 😂
Beach means I have to get up earlier than intended. dun dun dun
I don't want to go in the water. I just want to pet the horseshoe crabs and do flips in the sand by the shoreline to see if I break my neck yet. I don't know how I haven't broken a bone yet.
I haven't been to the beach in three years. I forgot what to really expect except for the jellyfish. There are always jellyfish.
except except
*expect except
I'm just now thinking about how similar these words are. -
Some dude caught a baby shark when we were walking on the dock once.
I kind of sound like I'm high.
I promise you I'm actually very intelligent. It's hard to prove at nearly 6 AM when you haven't slept in the last 18+ hours.
I was about to say I kill myself sometimes then I realized how bad it sounded.
I'm so stupid.
This is actually how I am without sleep. These are my thoughts.
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