Raven's OFFICAL Thread Of Life
Thread Topic: Raven's OFFICAL Thread Of Life
Juliet Simms is so lucky to be married to Andy Biersack.
I would go for a walk, but I don't wanna leave my father rn because if the state he's in.
I hate my auto correct sometimes.
Say burgers with mayonnaise and wheat bread is amazing. <3 -
See what I mean? Auto correct is a meaning. Lmao. -
My father owns this cat named Maria who had kittens, but her kittens was killed by a stupid Tom cat.
Well, my step Mother and step sister was at work when a kitten was dropped off and had gas poured on it a little.
Ever since we bathed the kitten, Maria had been treating it like it's baby whilst the kitten thinks Maria is her real mother.
Animals confuse me. xD Maria just adopted after losing her kittens. -
I'm thinking about making another quiz, but idk what about.
I should probably do one over the stuff I learned about groceries in human studies.
I have the same teacher this year for fashion design. She taught me how to sow and I actually love it. Sadly, we don't have the materials to sow in my house.
I was surprised how much I liked it although all I did was sow a button on a yellow cloth square. xD -
I loved her class though. She's a good teacher and barely gets angry at the students. Just don't get caught with your phone out on class or else she'll make you write the syllabus. (The three main rules about phones in her class at least). Also, she's the only teacher I had where you couldn't charge your phone in her class.
She didn't allow many students to go to the bathroom because too many people go to the bathrooms to vape. Which is fine because I never use the school bathroom except if it's an emergency or my friends invite me to smoke a cigarette with them in the bathroom because they know I hate vaping. -
Unless it's THC or CBD vaping. Mainly because those are the type of vapes that doesn't kill. (At least, not that I know of.)
However, one day my friend was having an anxiety attack over their ex boyfriend Auston. That what was considered an an emergency to me. Well, imagine my surprise whenever that teacher had let me go to the bathroom. It's like she knew something was going on. I guess she saw me talk to my friend out of a panic attack before class. That teacher and I had a few things in common. We both had alcoholic fathers, both have anxiety, both have depression, and both like Imagine Dragons and Elvis Presley. -
When I first met her, I thought she was going to be like this mean, rude teacher like my math teacher I had to deal with before I went to her class. She turned out to be one of the five teachers that impacted me the most.
Wait, seven
I had six teachers that impacted me the most.
Mrs. Frances (Old band teacher. 1st-7th grade.)
Mr. Hamilton (9th grade math teacher)
Mr. Warren. (Choir teacher. 9-10th grade. Too bad I'm quitting choir for Spanish)
Mrs. Venable (7th grade tutor I had for math)
Mr. Cooper (9th grade science teacher)
And finally, Mrs. Harlow. (Human studies teacher from 10th grade) -
Ooooh. My level up is in orange. Yess
I guess it does help to type these eye sores I call paragraphs. xD
I just made another quiz.
If I seem slow to respond, I'm on duo call with my boyfriend. He's currently being your average fat kid and watching how certain foods are made. xD It's adorable.
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