Raven's OFFICAL Thread Of Life
Thread Topic: Raven's OFFICAL Thread Of Life
how is it ok to bully me ? how is it okay for simon to send me rude emails telling me to ... nvm.... like wtf?? how is that ok???
Getting bullied toughens up your skin honey. That's why my sister and I bully one another, we're toughing up one another.
so ur saying i should get bullied? tf?
No, girls bully 'cause we're mean.
Trust me. (Yes, I'm a girl.)
I'll catch up to you, one day.
How many alt accounts do you have? -
haha veery funny u better not bully me!! ill report u asap if ya do!!!!!! 3???????? o
This energy drink I'm drinking is awesome. It tastes like an orange vanilla creamsicle that you get from an I've cream truck. xD
The new Tones and I song is so amazing and relatable.
Being addicted to caffiene is scary but fun.
I've dabbled in caffeine and I can confirm that statement XD
I put some espresso in whipped cream and just about skyrocketed through the roof.
I had a Pepsi and an energy drink.
I've been talking to one of my mother's friends. I've known her since I was little and now I can talk to her about anything.
She's pansexual too. :3 -
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