Raven's OFFICAL Thread Of Life
Thread Topic: Raven's OFFICAL Thread Of Life
Who's active? O.o
I'm thinking about writing a revenge song. Explaining my fight of life.
I will tomorrow, to lazy and tired. Also, my eyes hurt a lot.
God. My crush is moving in two weeks. I'll miss her. So her and I was talking today about yesterday. She said,"They could suck my dck" I said,"More like Strap-on
" She laughed and said,"Yaaaasss." I then said,"Or those penis shaped suckers, make them choke on that." -
We both get each other so well. X3
Its sad that she's leaving, but I'm glad you got a good memory
Mhm. I told her I liked her yesterday, she figured this whole time. I think it's because when she had cut she said she needed something to hide the scars, I gave up my hoodie to her. Also, when it was raining and she was cold, she asked for my hoodie. I gave it up to her. It was raining that day to. She's bisexual, I'm Pansexual with a mixture of asexual.
That's adorable, but sad.
Mhm. Man, I'll miss het. Luckily she has my phone number. Anyways,How are you?
That's good
How is you?
Are you doing better?
How are you? -
Stomach hurts. XD o.o
Lol. So she sat with me on the bus and said,"Two mire weeks.", I said,"I will come find you, and kidnap you."
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