Kingdom of inkoria~
Thread Topic: Kingdom of inkoria~
The cringe oh my f---ing stop?
Fandom if you're on please come here.
I really liked the plot that you did with Tasha ( And we you perlburg? They've used your plot) and I was wondering if you'd like to do it with me but MXM? I know it's not your strong point but I'm good iwth playing C2 as cough cough captain Lillian Jones to a certain extent cough cough and effeminate makes do exsist cough cough sqaure Enix cough cough
Killian.( Although it would be my version.)
Oh I see its pear bugs soap oops didn't think to read it XD
I would love to soap if you'd like, although I don't quite remember what plot you're talking about.
The one about the author but that's someone else's plot XD.
I really want to do something with fairy tales, I'd like for my character to be based off Killian Jones from once though ( He's Captain Hook.) -
Well, we could always try.
I could come up with something.
I want to apologise though you probably don't want me to.
I'd rather you didn't talk to me. In a few days you'll be back at my throat. I'm not attacking you or whatever I'd just like to keep our original deal. Stay out of my threads, I'll stay out of yours , don't talk about me I won't talk about you. ( And because in sure the KYS ember was to my second account someone tried to troll me on something with an account pretending to be you.)
Izaya's sisters!!!!
Shizu-chan Xddd
f---ing Izaya!
Erika yayayayyaya
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