Kingdom of inkoria~
Thread Topic: Kingdom of inkoria~
I'll break your f---ing neck oh well lol
rants NewbieGAYCRYSTAL
f---ing kill yourself and your f---ing dog.
Just want to talk to someone who isn't a f---ing idiot right now like someone I actually care about.
Andi are you on?
Andi are you on?
What the f--- is wrong with you Saara_K just leave Jay alone. If anyone is an ugly b---- it isn't Jay.
Emily is so sweet.
That's just really mean what's happening to ehr she doesn't deserve it.
To have soup for breakfast or to not have soup for breakfast. That is the question!
have bean dip -
I should, shouldn't I?
I don't have any;-;
Soup it is! I'll try and get bean dip at some point though XP -
You made a double accout to troll her with.
No one is as stupid as you so no one will fall for that crap.
I could say the same thing to you Everytime you accuse me of something lol.
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