Land of Stars and Echoes
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
shannon I trusted you
((This was going to happen sooner or later.))
dot dot curve :) is terrible and I'm mad at myself for liking this song so much
I found a great artist that's drawn a lot of lucio
am very excited -
looky looky looky look at this kid
these lyrics are #deep
I'm so proud of Fruit Basket. ^-^ She's going to be so successful.
Oh, I missed the box.
It kind of scares me, actually.
I know I'm being paranoid, but I notice that in all of these true crime shows, when people talk about the victims, they always talk about how they had all their s--- together. She was so kind, she had two beautiful children and a high-paying job. I get scared sometimes because Fruit is on top of things. She's young, pretty, smart, socially aware, healthy, dedicated, she's got legitimate aspirations and is taking the steps to make them happen. She's got plenty of money saved up, she has a solid plan to get a car, she's getting letters from Harvard, she's only been working for a few months and she's already working her way up the ranks in her store. She's great. I know she'll have a wonderful future. I know it's not reasonable, but I get scared that she embodies success and she could get hurt.
How long were we talking?
I missed the box again. Sorry.
Sia has such a beautiful, versatile voice. I want to get on her level.
I'm not sure if "versatile" was the right word in that context.
y u do this
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