Land of Stars and Echoes
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
I might call Barby's boss like she said and see if I can do the sample thing on the side. But honestly, I don't know if I could handle more than one job. The stress from this one is f---ing me up as it is.
Alright, well, that's two new albums to go through. I have a lot of music to sort through, so I guess I get to keep distracted for a while. -
The stress is worth the cash.
I have to disagree. I don't cope well with stress. I'd lose both my jobs when I broke down and couldn't function in either of them.
then you can't cope well with the world
...I know? That's why I'm suicidal half the time do you think I don't realize I'm hopeless
if you feel hopeless you should probably invest a little money to visit a therapist once in awhile -
this is a conversation that could go on for a very long time but the sum of it is my life is pointless and the only thing stopping me from ending it is fear of what not existing at all would be like
but this is a depressing topic and no one really wants to discuss it at length, especially considering it can't be changed so let's just move on, okay? -
okay, but I just wanted to add that that all applies to the whole "survival without purpose" concept
so, what do you want to discuss next -
I couldn't say
what are you into? -
doesn't matter, i could talk about anything
Well, I don't want to lead you into a conversation you're not interested in. I'd rather find some common ground.
I've got a few things to do. I should be back in twenty minutes or less.
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