Land of Stars and Echoes
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
anything that can't actually be put into multiple choice
make a special poll :D -
h o w
Ask what they would bring with them on a deserted island?
lays down on floor of thread
suffers quietly -
I'm redoing my hair
also still treating whatever the f--- is wrong with my throat
and my stomach is trying to tear itself out of me -
.....neopets is so pleasant why did I stop playing this
whoops I got distracted again
and now I know that word
I think I'm going to give Lainey a little more characterization while I'm thinking about her.
I've been here for about four seconds and you're already boring me to tears -
Well, while I'm thinking about it:
This morning, the birthgiver asked me to help her sort through the old stuff we've had stowed away downstairs. I found my file from the time I spent at Edgewood. It was honestly surreal. I thought that this self-hatred has existed in me for as long as I can remember, but those pages were full of things I would never say in a million years. I called myself beautiful. I said that an obstacle to changing my behaviors would be the fact that I already liked myself as I was. It was so weird. -
(five seconds later my posts gets marked) -
I also saw myself mention a desire to be a model.
I remember her putting that thought in my head and convincing me it was my own. I remember her telling me that if I just lost some weight, I could model! And that's how she convinced little Road to diet. I remember crying a lot because she never let me eat the things I liked anymore, and it made me so sad. I felt like there was no point in eating at all, because I wouldn't enjoy it anyway. I was never even interested in modeling. I don't know why I let her talk me into that.
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