Land of Stars and Echoes
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
rainingClockwork Newbie[09:22:48] RC: -->WeLl, I Am.//
[09:22:51] RC: -->A RaGiNg H0MeStUcK.//
[09:23:06] RC: -->It'S ReAlLy C00L T0 HaVe S0Me0Ne Ar0UnD HeRe T0 TaLk T0 Ab0Ut It.//
[09:23:20] RC: -->If Y0U CaRe T0 TaLk, AnYwAy.// -
All my friend's IRL just like Pretty little liars and stuff. It's extremely lovely to have someone to talk to about it. I'm a raging Homestuck too.
rainingClockwork Newbie[09:28:57] RC: -->0H?//
[09:29:10] RC: -->I'M SuRe Y0U C0UlD FiNd S0Me Pe0PlE ThAt ArE InT0 H0MeStUcK If Y0U L00KeD Ar0UnD.//
[09:29:26] RC: -->I'Ve MeT A FeW R&0MlY JuSt WeArInG My SuFfErEr NeCkLaCe In PuBlIc.// -
I had one other friend that liked it. Then, she got into undertale and didn't like Homestuck much anymore.
rainingClockwork Newbie[09:32:09] RC: -->I'M AlS0 VeRy MuCh InT0 UnDeRtAlE.//
[09:32:17] RC: -->ThE SkElEt0N S0Ns ArE VeRy DeAr T0 Me.//
[09:32:37] RC: -->It'S A ShAmE ThAt Y0Ur FrIeNd F0Rg0T Ab0Ut H0MeStUcK, Th0UgH.//
[09:32:41] RC: -->I'M S0RrY Ab0Ut ThAt.//
[09:32:49] RC: -->BuT I Am Ar0UnD, If Y0U EvEr WaNt T0 H0MeStUcK.//
[09:32:52] RC: -->I'M D0Wn.// -
I really like Undertale too. I actually found Homestuck because I really liked Creepypasta and found Homestuck fan art. How did you find it?
Same to you. I can talk about Homestuck anytime. -
rainingClockwork Newbie[09:40:46] RC: -->EvErY0Ne Ar0UnD HeRe KnEw Ab0Ut H0MeStUcK WhEn I FiRsT StArTeD.//
[09:40:58] RC: -->I KePt HeArInG Ab0Ut It HeRe & I WaNtEd T0 UnDeRsT& ThE ReFeReNcEs.//
[09:41:20] RC: -->YeArS LaTeR & It CaN StIlL C0NsIsTeNtLy BrEaK Me AnYtImE// -
I always wondered what the account Icee Chill had on their profile picture and to this day, it blows my mind I didn't realize it was Homestuck back then.
rainingClockwork Newbie[09:47:11] RC: -->I FeEl Y0//
Now, old users leave and the Homestucks are low.
rainingClockwork Newbie[09:55:09] RC: -->I Kn0W.//
[09:55:16] RC: -->BeLiEvE Me.//
[09:55:27] RC: -->ThAt'S AlWaYs BeEn H0W It Is Ar0UnD HeRe.//
[09:55:48] RC: -->I'M N0T A ReAlLy GrEaT 0LdEr UsEr 0R AnYtHiNg BuT If It HeLpS At AlL, I'M N0T LeAvInG ThE SiTe F0R A G00D TiMe.//
[09:55:53] RC: -->ExCePt F0R N0W.//
[09:55:58] RC: -->I'M AcTuAlLy G0NnA G0 DrAw N0W.//
[09:56:03] RC: -->SeEyA.// -
What would be even funnier than Mini's "worst rp in the history of terrible rps" plot would be the "worst rpers that think they're the best" plot. The one with grammar that almost passes for correct but throws in big words slightly out of context and occasionally misplaces a contraction. The really angsty kind with Mary Sues and godmodding and no human characters whatsoever.
oh cod and names like Shadow
or Nightmare
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