Land of Stars and Echoes
Thread Topic: Land of Stars and Echoes
god damn -
I'm about 78% sure bro's drunk again
he just fell down the stairs and he can't speak clearly but he won't admit it -
I'm gonna make literally so much bacon later
You should check Facebook
I love these gay old men -
one of these days I'm gonna learn to use FruitLoops (spelling?) and that'll be fun
I need more Rickford
but I've already got every good piece of fanart there is -
oh by the way Maru
if you're not currently thinking about it
remember that movie "Fried Green Tomatoes"?
haha isn't it f---ing gay -
drug strider Novicethis account is so cozy
drug strider Noviceoh s--- but thats a pretty high post time
do not like that
no sir
wish i could level it up more quickly
but im not gonna make a s---ty quiz for this -
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