PD's Official thread..
Thread Topic: PD's Official thread..
Sorry, my internet gone haywire.. I'm so confused on what's going on here.. XD
Aaaaand they all left..
I'm waiting for my husbands to talk to me lol
I'm just an obsessed nerd
so how are you -
Aaaaand they all left..
I'm somewhere between sad, angry and neutral.. You?
Chicken dance.. cluck cluck cluck.. *does the chicken dance*
Chicken dance.. cluck cluck cluck.. *does the chicken dance*
wow, no on ever visits my thread normaly for longer than 10 posts... how does ppl do so good?
Dude, all my pages are just me..
really? mine too. and i have been here and talked a lot
Same.. So how are you, friend?
Oh that's cool, i'm kind of okay i guess..
Sorry, that was an automatic reply, i thought you were going to reply faster, Kleine..^^' i'm a boy, 14, you?
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