I really didn't think this was necessary,
Thread Topic: I really didn't think this was necessary,
Masky03 NewbieI've got a question
I really hope it's relevant to the hacking and not you trying to be clever.
Masky03 NewbieMy password is Masky03
Masky03 NewbieTru
What if you want to give away a password to an account you don't want or like and want it to be a free-for-all thing?
Wow honestly I can't stand this! Why cant people be smart enough to avoid this from happening but so many people are getting hacked because they post their password then they get upset and complain its not their fault when knowing damn well its their fault!!!! Sorry I just wanted to say that
Thank you Maru -
Thank you for this.
If you're trying to give your account away to anyone that wants to take it, this is fine.
Go ahead and post the passwords publicly in that case.
I feel. -
lmao who got hacked recently
That is a useful site for checking password strength. -
But the sad thing is,is that the same people keep getting hacked and you would've thought they'd be somewhat smart by now
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