Sade's thread
Thread Topic: Sade's thread
how tf did i not notice that someone else was posting
I'm kind of stuck. I mean, I'd love to be apart of this because I really want to attend a good college, but I feel like these questions are trying to trick me.
They're basic things like "What subjects/activities do you wish to partake in high school/college?"
idk ): i don't even know what i want my profession to be -
Le1F Advanced~
I have so much stuff to get done, but I'm the queen of procrastination, so this is normal.
1. Finish graphic organizer for history
2. Study for the map test Friday (midwest)
3. Periodic table element sheet for science
4. ZINC (45mins)
5. Chapters 3-10 of the odyssey for english
6. Sight reading for "Lost It All"
I think it's freaking fantastic that Mrs. Bartsch is letting us sing a black veil brides song in Chorus
I love her now
That's just homework ): I have personal chores to complete as well. -
I'll cry for you
That's deep -
I took the bdsm test..
im 100% submissive
): that's weird -
lol right?
XD I'm not alone XD
Le1F Advanced
I feel horrible today
I didn't know Xanax was used as a drug
^To get high
I like Spook B*tch
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