Sade's thread
Thread Topic: Sade's thread
The only thing that could love you sweetheart is your donkey of a mother
okaythen NewbieI'm whatever the f--- i want to be
Haha. Says the girl that craves so much attention she "loves" like 8 f---ing guys -
So you are a trollet? No wander you suck so much.
HM sweetie what grade get in math because obviously you can't count how old are you anyways like 7 so why don't you go back home to your dump truck and try not to break anymore mirrors
He seriously left
heh seems like i can't keep a boyfriend for more than 2 weeks
Eh I'm bored
Thats_Just_Josh Novicei'll never leave unless u want me to
We are the rose we are the rose that grew from the crack in the concrete I never doubted for a second even when you left us on our own
I miss josh
Thats_Just_Josh Noviceu still up
I'm bored as s---
I can't take it from the day I saw my heart started breaking no one saved me can't believe I went and Los you baby worlds keep spinning all around ph you let me down
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