My Temporary (or possibly permentant) Official Thread
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:34pm
Thread Topic: My Temporary (or possibly permentant) Official Thread
Umm, okay.....
How so? And I can't help it anymore, it is second nature to me.
Alexsys Newbieuh 0///0 sry idk wat tht is ... i meant to put dislexya
You have to figure those things out yourself, I don't know your most inner thoughts and feelings, but you do.
It's okay, I make spelling mistakes too, I was just stating that because for the longest time I've spelt 'em incorrectly XD
So, is your name the same as your username, or different, if I may ask? -
Alexsys Newbiewell yeah i get u its not like u can read minds that would b coo dou
Alexsys Newbieand Yes my name is my username
okzy, goodnight, see you tomorrow hopefully, I will most likely only be on at ten-eleven and five-sixish... -
Alexsys Newbiei coulnx think oF unything else
Alexsys Newbiei coulnx think oF unything else
Alexsys Newbiecool aea\ wendy30
Hmm...looks like we have ourselves another with a different for of my name XD It's actually hilarious how many people on here have one form or another of Alex as their name . heh. Mine's Alek, btw.
okay, see you then I guess. -
Alexsys Newbierex???...
Huh? Whom are you referring to? The user?
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