My New Thread
- Locked by Dark22978 on Oct 21, '18 6:30pmReason: Owner's request.
Thread Topic: My New Thread
Ben is such a good character. -
Le1fy Juniorneed help jinx
iwant to talk 2 my friend more or see them more at least but they only say stuff if i go quiet 4 ages and so
its like i have 2 go quiet so they miss me and talk again -
Le1fy Juniorbut i dont think they do it on purpose
but it takes them longer 2 miss me than it does 4 me to miss them
And it makes me sad
i tri telling when i miss them but it doesnt work for long and i dont wqnt 2 keep saying it -
Jack: Eh, he's okay as a character. I thought he was really good at the beginning of the series, and now he acts like a high and mighty ruler. I don't like it.
Kate: Okay, she is meh. I LOVE her backstory. Love it to death! I don't like her on the island though. She is a strange person who is just hard to grasp, as a character. Sure, she has a pretty rocky past, but she doesn't have to act like that's the only thing that matters.
Sawyer: I love him as a character. Not as much as Ben though. I love Sawyer as a character, because of his backstory and how he generally acts on and off the island. He doesn't change for anyone, and he wants to find out who killed his parents.
Charlie: I'm putting him up here because HE DIDN'T DESERVE TO DIE!!!!!! Ugh....the feels :'(
Ben: My favorite character in the series, even though he doesn't appear until the second season (I think). I love how Ben's character is because you could be rooting for him one minute, then the next minute, you're wondering what the hell just happened. His character does have flaws, but he doesn't wear them on his sleeves. He also seems to know about everyone that comes to the island..which I is slightly creepy. -
Le1F Experiencedjinx plz
Sorry for the late response
I would try to approach them and talk to them. If they wanted to talk to you, they would :3
Or you could be persistent :3
Whichever works -
Leify Novicethey do want 2 but not as often as i do
Leify Novicei try 2 say when i miss them but then its like they forget 2 days later again:c
I made a thread where we can discuss this :3
I'm hoping my other response makes more sense -
Should I do a voice TBH?
I might just make a new quiz. I haven't made one in a while
Messenger: Dead
GTQ: Seemingly Dead -
Yay!!! :3
Art skills :'(
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