Those two idiots
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:31pm
Thread Topic: Those two idiots
I'm sorry...
((hey Heph))
Kaden: Like I said, nevermind. *looks up* *and his eyes are a demonic red* Just drop it.
Lestat: *sharp inhale* I think that we should leave.. Oh! I have a favor to ask of you, first, though. -
What is it? -
((I was going to ask you if you wanted to join my soap but you beat me to it xD))
Kaden: *glares* *then looks away, staring at who knows what*
Lestat: Are the rumors of your mother being dead true..? -
*sad sigh*
I don't really know. As I said, I haven't been home. I just came back because Celine sent me a letter. -
((you're so quick))
Lestat: ..Then, will you take me to one of your siblings that does know?
Kaden: *snaps* Why should we care?
Lestat: *wince* Because.. Heph is mother's friend. Of course we'd care. -
[not on making characters tho xD]
Edwin: I suppose. You'll have to walk with me a bit, though. And then we have to summon a dragon. *smirks* -
((it's fine))
Lestat: .. *nervous look* D-Dragon?
Kaden: *signs of anger fades* Dragon! :D -
Edwin: Yeah. To get to the islands you have to ride a dragon. Normally I'd take Nanami, but she's busy keeping up the barrier around the island. So we have to take a true, fire breathing, flying dragon. Either Formora, or Vatona.
Lestat: ..I-I hate dragons..
Kaden: ..Formora! -
Edwin: Why is that? They're gentle enough. I've had more problems with people, than with them.
Formora, the vain beauty. Alright. Shall we go? -
Lestat: I got eaten by one once.. It was horrible.. *shudders*
Kaden: Yes! C'mon, Les! *grabs his arm* -
Edwin: Oh, I'm sorry..I can promise you Formora is very repulsed by the thought of eating humans. *starts walking down path*
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