My Thread~
Thread Topic: My Thread~
*the t-rex started eating the pie * hey! Leave some for me spike!
wip wap
Zaney NewbieBumpy bumpy.
Zaney NewbieBruh. I'm about to do of loneliness ;-;
Zaney Newbie*wuggles self cause I'm a selfish batch*
Zaney Newbie*also because there is no one else to wuggles cause everyone died of cancer apparently*
Zaney NewbieI whine a lot. Maybe that's why no one missed me. *twirls knife about finger* And no, I'm not suicidal. Just Zane.
I am so ducking bored right now. You humans and church on Sundays ;-;
Oh, hello
It's not church, trust me. This site is 1% catholic, christian, or whatever worships Jesus. They wouldn't go to church, even if it is an anime and mangaka shop. It's just failure to dedicate themselves to this website, or they're just sleeping peacefully.
Hey, what's up? -
I made pie. *Sets pie on table*
Yum. *takes a piece*
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