My Thread~
Thread Topic: My Thread~
Sure isn't yes, but I'll take it. Anyways, besides dealing with dickfaces, what's up?
Just letting people know I love em to pieces. What about you?
That's nice.
Arguing with my friends about how we're not gonna have a snowday tomorrow because our district literally has the worst judgement of when we should have snow days ever. -
Rebecca, all public schools in New York are opened. I don't even know how many inches of snow here, because it's been snowing all day. O.O
Zane: =D -
c: -
Same. But the thing is, every time it snows, the schools around my district have snow days while we have delays, or normal school days.
Yep. -
Rebecca: That's messed up.
Zane: ^-^ -
Yea it is. That's why everyone hates our district.
pst pillow I'm back
*rolls in*
Yay~ *embraces*
*embraced, wraps my arm around Zane*
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