My Thread~
Thread Topic: My Thread~
Crouches next to Zane* its blood
Zane: *sucks blood from wrist*
It will help somewhat..*closes eyes* -
Smells ok *sniffs air *
*eyes still closed* Zane, you have to let go. You're taking too much.
Zane: *ignores and continues to take blood*
*groans* -
Snatched zanes hand away from his mouth* stop
Zane: *growls* *jumps on top of Damon and cuts neck*
You little-*gasps*
Zane: *pins down and takes blood from neck* -
Pins Zane for he wall* yells* STOP
I should kill you right now, Zane..
Zane: *breathing slows and eyes turn gray* -
You good *looks at him, eyes glowed red *
He needs pure human blood.
Zane: *closes eyes* -
Will mine work * holds out wrist*
Zane: *opens eyes and stares at wrist*
Take it, Zane.
Zane: *grabs Red's wrist and bites down* -
Closes eyes
Zane: *takes blood until completely full* *eyes turn golden*
Sways * better
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