My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
Le1F Novicebut it iz nut u :O
Yes it is.
Le1F Novicenut shore
I am Savannnah.
Le1F Noviceahahaahahahaahahahaha that iz proof ur not
Le1F Novicepoor Alex2000
Le1F NoviceAhahaahahahaahahahaha she duznt act lyk that
Alex u fool -
Whatever, she called me, that's proof enough for me. Think what you want nut I'm not desperate. And also, unless this is some oddball, doubles don't act like this. I know for a fact it's her, so really I don't care whether you believe it or not, or whether you believe the sky is red or whether I exist or not, I don't care. Because me being able to know is good enough for my own contentment.
But she has called you before ?
Yes, just about 4 times before she left.
Oh and btw,
"Only a fool will call a wise man a fool, while the wise knows not to tell the fool that they are such"
Ever heard that ^ before? I've had plenty of experience with doubles and I'm always dubious-- if I'm convinced, it's for good reason. -
And I've called her a couple of times too
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