My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
I like your idea and I actually thought a lot about it tonight....actually... I've thought about it a lot since I've met you.... I'd do it most likely...
Would you like to hear something I've been practicing? -
Sure -
Okay... one sec... -
Alright -
... -
http ://
Sounds better with vocals, but I can't sing.... -
*confused look* I'm wondering why I put spaces in between that... -
Have you tried?
Wow, Savannah...I...that's amazing...
Probably just a reflex from posting links so much in n00b accounts... -
Lol yeah. I'm just not good at it.
Not really.. it isn't my best work...
Haha, probably -
Maybe one day you should let me hear...
It might not be but from someone's perspective who hasn't really played...omf...
XD -
Okay, but blood will be shed.
*shrugs* maybe
Hehe -
for sure, Savannah, cause its coming from me. :-P -
Okay. *smiles* I guess...
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