My OFFICIAL thread
Thread Topic: My OFFICIAL thread
Night people of GTQ, I'm going to sleep. -
Okay... sorry I missed you for the most part. I'll see you tomorrow.
I ogre not be here when you come on. I am supposed to be asleep by eight today because I have school tomorrow. If So then bye. I might not be able to get on during the week days. I'll contact you asap though.
Tag had a lot of typos... Sorry.. I now understand how difficult phone typing is
*sigh* Okay...At least I'll be homeschooled and won't be able to be on until late, just great....
... I never ever share my opinion to this point, but I actually think your parents did that purposely. I know I am being judgmental, but when you kept saying they kept fiddling around and waiting to figure our what high school you would go to I couldn't help but think it was intentional... I guess I am just being too judgmental...
You are lucky though. I wish home school was not option for me. I hate public school. -
Maybe maybe not I really don't know.
Only problem for me is that I NEED to be around people, because this solitude is driving me crazy already...sounds like a song I once knew... -
Ues, well you had an first class look at the situation. So I trust you could use the best of your discretion.
Join an after school club. -
I gtg... sorryyyyyy. *sigh* if you are up at like eight/eight-thirtyish (your time) then I'll try to catch you, but that probably won't happen...
Anyways, goodnight. Sweet dreAMS. -
Why tf do I feel like I'm being watched?? Like, as in someone is stalking all my posts??
cause you probably are
.-. By who?
No clue
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