i do remember the late nights, at like 2am scrolling the forums and there'd still be several people up as well. felt like a 24hr market where the people stay but the threads change lol
oof that's sad its not like that anymore
Dude yep it used to be lit 24/7 here. I wasn't allowed to stay up all night but I remember sneaking on my Kindle at like 2 am and posting on here 😂
It's crazy how dead this site is but it's also crazy that in 2024 this site even still exists.
I think its more active in the quiz portion but not the forums because their kinda hard to get to or even find out about.
dude i used to get in so much trouble. my parents literally tried to ban me from this site several times. first they took my laptop so i used my phone.. they took my phone so i used my DS.. they took my DS so i used the WII.. they took the WII so the next time i saw my grandma i used her smart fridge LMAO good freaking times man
i’m kinda grateful for the “remoteness” of gtq for lack of a better term to think of rn lol. it feels like a little bubble
Yeah it feels like a little bubble instead of a big chatroom like reddit or discord lol
it's nice tbh.
well did this end up being the longest thread on gtq?
THE SMART FRIDGE 😂😂😂 I remember when I was grounded I snuck on here and that's how I found out Hunter (the guy who started this thread) passed. I was so shook.
No it didn't uzi. When GTQ added moderation they removed a lot of controversial posts. So a lot of pages here were removed entirely. There was also a thread dedicated for soap operas BEFORE there was ever a forum for it. So that thread was huge. Maybe 3500 pages.
Well you guys are always allowed in here. It's super private, most people except for me don't come in here and I'm 25 now so I don't come on here much!
It's a good vent thread and you are also furthering the directive to grow this thread!
wow omg really...?? i had no idea hunter passed. damn that's sad but i hope we can carry on a piece of his legacy through this thread. rip
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