Heph's thread
- Locked by Hephaestuschild on Dec 10, '20 10:57amReason: Making New Official Thread
Thread Topic: Heph's thread
awaaa I'd love to roleplay with you sometime, to get you back in the swing of things~
nahhh -
Le1F JuniorHeffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
aww that's really sweet cx ill take u up on the offer sometime cx
Le1F JuniorI mite leave gotoquiz
what kind of rps do you like best?
no! Dx
hmm, I like most things. Lately I've been mostly doing Undertale style roleplays, but I can do almost anything. I have a special love for gore, but romance is hard for me. -
Le1F JuniorU don't care anymore
ah. ive never done well in gore but i think id be okay in undertale rps cx
why would you say that? Of course I care leify. ;-;
that's fine.x3 Not everyone is good at it.
ohohoho yess -
ahh well yay cx
so about that other rp
Chara died right?
Dream Sans tried bringing her back but could only bring back the positive emotions.
And since her soul had been drained of negative ones by Nightmare, her soul was empty.
So when her determination acted up and she reset
she's now 'empty' chara
but yeah any time you want, any au, anything I do everything -
awesome c:
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