- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:14pm
Thread Topic: slim
*Clears throat really loudly and sits down on couch* Seen any good movie lately shady?
just 't' to slim) sorry ilm if i upset u
Nu you didn't Shady! Just looking at you both makes me miss Jade! :C
not really.... and ellis we r talking lolz nuthing is gunna happen...yet....lolz jkjk
im sorry about that ilm
Can somebody else go throw up for me?
im sorry about that ellis
Hey does anybody here hate me, like think I'm a freaking monster?
I don't Ellis, you're not the most perfect monster but I don't hate you.
did slim just up and leave??
I dunno Shadey, I was wondering that too.
i hope he didnt :(
that totally kills
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