Detention SUCKS!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:13pm
Thread Topic: Detention SUCKS!!!!!
blehhh detention really sucked today... =(
i donteven think im gonna graduate im gonna proballey liv off by working at a crappy job
awwww!! im sure you'll graduate!!!
eh any who i can probsalley play music if i just practice a lil more in my guitar skills
i bet you could!! crap it just started downpouring... and my house is 5 MILES away!!!!!*looks up at sky* CURSE YOU CLOUDS FOR HAVING TO DUMP AT THIS MOMENT!!!!!
that sx dude its weird i never thought bout being a music artist i am passing music with 100s
cool! go for it!!! omfg i got into the international music contest!! no freakin damn way!! no way!!!! omfg!!!!!!! its in an email right here: NOTICE: THE FOLLOWING RECIPIENT Alana _____. _______ HAS BEEN ACCEPTED INTO THE CONTESTS AND/OR CONTEST IN THE TRI-M SERIES. NOTE: THEY MUST ATTEND ALL CONEST(S) TO BE CONSIDERED DURING FINAL JUDGING.
OMFG!!!! U CANT BE FREAKIN SERIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
w0ws im playing guitar a lil while ago
soon ill move to electric
electric guitars are awesome... i have an amp... lol... i annoy my little bro all the time by playing random songs on it on the highest setting... it drives him insane... and THATS what brings me joy everyday... a little bro running through the house screaming his little head off to turn down the freakin music... itll break my heart one day when i got to college and i wont have a little bro to pester... XP
aww[no urls] everyones gone...
Nah ah
heyy!! so not everybody left!!! =)
im bak but im proballey alone
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